2024 UK Savings Stats: Astounding Facts Revealed

2024 UK Savings Stats: Astounding Facts Revealed

Did you know that UK households deposited a staggering £8.3 billion into fixed-rate bonds and ISA accounts in August 2023 alone? This eye-opening statistic is just one of many that shed light on the saving habits and financial behaviors of UK adults.

As we delve into the 2024 UK savings statistics, we will uncover fascinating insights into the average savings amount, regional variations, the state of savings during the pandemic, and the importance of financial resilience. Let’s take a closer look at the numbers to gain a better understanding of UK savings trends and how they impact personal finances.

Key Takeaways:

  • UK households deposited £8.3 billion into fixed-rate bonds and ISA accounts in August 2023.
  • The average person in the UK has £11,185 in savings, but nearly half of Brits have £1,000 or less saved.
  • Regional differences exist, with the highest average savings found in Yorkshire and the Humber.
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, 28% of UK households accumulated additional savings, while 9% have no savings at all.
  • Financial resilience remains a concern, with a significant portion of the population lacking sufficient savings to cover living expenses for one month without income.

How Much Does an Average Person Have in Savings?

In the UK, the average person has an impressive £11,185 in savings. This demonstrates the importance of saving money and the potential financial security it can bring. However, the distribution of savings across the population tells an interesting story.

Surprisingly, almost half of Brits (46%) have £1,000 or less in savings. This highlights the challenges many individuals face in covering living expenses for an extended period of time without facing financial strain.

Furthermore, the average savings amount increases with age. Individuals aged 74 and above have 10 times more in savings than those aged 18 to 24. This indicates that as people progress through different stages of life, they tend to accumulate more savings.

Regional differences also play a role in average savings in the UK. People living in Yorkshire and the Humber tend to have the highest average savings compared to other regions.

To visualize the disparity in savings by age group, refer to the table below:

Age Group Average Savings Amount
18-24 £1,100
25-34 £2,500
35-44 £7,000
45-54 £14,200
55-64 £26,000
65-74 £34,500
75 and above £110,600

This table clearly highlights the substantial increase in savings as individuals progress through different age brackets. It underlines the importance of saving early and consistently to ensure a financially secure future.

The image above provides a visual representation of the regional differences in average savings across the UK. It showcases the varying levels of savings across different parts of the country, highlighting the financial landscape in each region.

The State of Savings in the UK

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK witnessed significant shifts in the savings habits and financial resilience of its households. As the country battled economic uncertainty and widespread job losses, the importance of saving and preparing for unexpected circumstances became more evident than ever.

According to recent studies, it is estimated that 28% of UK households were able to accumulate additional savings during the pandemic. However, the situation is not uniform across the population, as 9% of people in Britain have no savings at all. This highlights the urgent need for improving the financial cushion and preparedness of individuals and families.

Further analysis reveals that over a third of Brits (41%) do not have sufficient savings to cover their living expenses for a month without any income. This lack of financial resilience exposes many households to potential financial difficulties and hardships, making it imperative to emphasize the importance of building an emergency fund.

Retirement savings is another critical aspect of personal finance that demands attention. The UK retirement savings landscape varies across different age groups, with 60% of adults currently making adequate retirement savings. While this number is encouraging, it also indicates room for improvement and highlights the need for increased awareness and proactive financial planning.

“It is essential for individuals to prioritize saving and take steps towards financial resilience. The pandemic has underscored the need for preparedness, and building a robust savings plan should be a top priority for everyone.”

In terms of pension contributions, over half of UK employees contribute between 3% and 5% of their income towards their pension plan. While this demonstrates a positive trend towards retirement planning, it is crucial for individuals to assess their long-term financial goals and consider increasing their pension contributions to secure a comfortable retirement.


These statistics shed light on the current challenges and opportunities in the landscape of UK savings. They emphasize the importance of financial resilience and highlight the need for adequate retirement savings. As the country continues its journey towards post-pandemic recovery, it is crucial for individuals and households to prioritize savings, improve financial literacy, and implement robust financial strategies to ensure a more stable and secure future.

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Saving money is of utmost importance to ensure financial security and preparedness for future expenses. The latest UK savings statistics for 2024 shed light on both positive and concerning trends in saving habits among individuals. While some households have managed to accumulate additional savings during the pandemic, a significant portion of the population still lacks adequate savings and financial resilience.

It is crucial for individuals to prioritize saving and adopt effective strategies to build a solid financial foundation. One useful tip is to consider switching providers for better interest rates and offers that can help maximize savings. Creating separate savings pots for different goals, such as emergencies, vacations, or retirement, can also contribute to better financial management.

Following recommended savings percentages is another smart approach to secure one’s financial future. By saving a certain percentage of income regularly, individuals can gradually build a substantial nest egg. Whether it’s setting aside 10% or more, every dollar saved adds up and contributes to long-term financial stability.

By taking proactive steps towards saving, individuals can improve their financial well-being and work towards a more secure future. Stay conscious of the importance of saving, implement practical money-saving tips, and stay aware of ongoing UK savings trends to optimize your financial journey.


What are the UK savings trends for 2024?

According to the Bank of England, UK savings statistics for 2024 indicate that people deposited £8.3 billion into fixed-rate bonds and ISA accounts in August 2023. Savings accounts are the most popular savings method among UK adults, with over half (57%) using these to save money.

How much does the average person have in savings in the UK?

The mean average amount of money held in a UK savings account is £17,365. However, almost half of Brits (46%) have £1,000 or less in savings, making it challenging to cover living expenses for an extended period.

What are the differences in savings by age group in the UK?

The amount of savings increases with age, with those aged 74 and above having 10 times more in savings than 18- to 24-year-olds.

Are there regional differences in savings in the UK?

Yes, regional differences exist, with people living in Yorkshire and the Humber having the highest average savings in the UK.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected UK household savings?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, 28% of UK households accumulated additional savings. However, 9% of people in Britain have no savings at all, and over a third of Brits (41%) do not have sufficient money saved to live for one month without income.

What is the state of retirement savings in the UK?

Retirement savings in the UK vary across age groups, with 60% of adults making adequate retirement savings. In terms of pension contributions, over half of UK employees contribute between 3% and 5% to their pension plan.

Why is saving money important?

Saving money is crucial for financial security and preparedness for future expenses.

What tips can help in saving money?

Individuals can switch providers, create savings pots, and follow recommended savings percentages to prioritize saving and work towards a more financially secure future.

What are the key UK savings trends?

The UK savings statistics for 2024 reveal both positive and concerning trends in saving habits. While some households have been able to accumulate additional savings during the pandemic, a significant portion of the population still lacks adequate savings and financial resilience.

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